There were lots of folks and lots of great displays at the September meeting! Before we get underway with pictures, take note that we will have a cookout preceding the Halloween fun hunt at our October 8th meeting. Please bring a side dish or dessert and the club will supply the burgers, hot dogs, etc. It's going to be a fun night! Here are some of our members milling around, chatting and checking out finds before the meeting begins. Everyone is in place and awaiting the start of the meeting. Henry brought in a jaw dropping display of some of his reales and George Washington inaugural buttons! And here is his usual pile of beach finds. Henry sure works hard at this hobby! And Donna does, too! Here are her beach finds. Betty certainly puts her time in, too! Here are her beach finds. Jim Corbett and Dave Witman recently returned from a trip to the islands. They both found very nice pieces of gold and silver. Here's Jim's followed by Dave's. David Visokay found a beautiful fairy pendant (left), and Mel Sanders brought in his many playground finds (right). The next 3 displays were brought in by our "rusty gold" hunters, Greg, Bob and Al. Albert King brought in some fantastic bottle finds as well as some artifacts he found on the Thames River and brought back from his trip to England. Since Jim's birthday fell on the day of the meeting, we had a little birthday party for him. And here's the birthday boy himself! : ) See all of you in October!